The Time Traveler's Wife is a 2009 American drama film based on the Audrey Niffenegger's novel. Starring Rachel McAdams (Clare) and Eric Bana (Henry DeTamble), the movie tells the story of Henry who constantly time travels with no control. Clare, his wife first meets him when she was six while Henry was time traveling. Clare grows up knowing they will meet constantly and marry one day. But when they meet in real time (in the library), Henry doesn't know who she is since he hasn't visited yet. He falls in love with her (as she has already with him). Sooner they get married, but Clare's life becomes troubled with unexpected travels of her beloved husband, Henry.
Overall, the movie was quite good since it has good blend of characters, places and background music. But I think I could have enjoyed the movie better if I have read the book. Because I'm still trying to figure out some instances where Henry time travels, for it questions me....."How/when did that happen?". It would have been much better if they could include early days of Henry and Clare. But I think Eric Bana and Rachel McAdmas were fantastic in their characters. They almost make you time travel and share their stories with the audience. The end of the movie makes you emotional as it ends up with Clare running to see Henry before he disappears.
I believe what makes the movie and the book amazing is that it combines romance and si-fi.I think watching the movie would be satisfying for someone who read the book. The story is fascinating, the characters are lovable. Hope its readers have felt the same way after watching the movie.
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